Blepharitis is a medical term used to define a condition in which inflammation of the eyelash follicles, along the edge of the eyelid occurs.

Quick Facts

  • A medical disorder of the eyes in which inflammation of the eyelids occurs
  • In such medical condition swelling, redness, pain and warmth in the eye area are experienced
  • Causes redness, itchiness and vexed eyelids
  • A common type of eye infection which is believed to be caused due to various reasons
  • Anyone can get affected by this disorder
  • Very uncomfortable, unattractive and highly annoying disorder
  • Causes a lot of irritation to the eye
  • It is not contagious
  • Does not under normal circumstances affect the eyesight
  • Three types of Blepharitis usually exist:
    1. Anterior Blepharitis - affects the outside of the eyelid where your eyelashes are attached
    2. Posterior Blepharitis - a condition that results from a dysfunction of the eye's tiny oil glands (meibomian glands) in the eyelids at the base of the eyelashes
    3. Rosacea blepharitis -  a condition that causes eyelid swelling and redness due to malfunctioning of oil glands
  • Angular blepharitis is a separate term used to describe blepharitis which largely affects the outer corners of the eyelids
Blepharitis Causes

  • Involvement of the outer edges of the eyelid margins adjacent to the skin
  • Changes in the skin of the eyelids
  • Changes in the surface of the eye
  • Malfunction of the oil glands of the lids
  • Overproduction, reduced production or wrong type of oil production by oil glands
  • Lid margin disorders around the lashes
  • Allergies
  • Sensitivity to substances coming into direct contact with the lid margins
  • Overuse of cosmetic mascara
  • Contact lenses
  • Various sprays
  • Exposure to animals
  • Environmental chemicals
  • Airborne allergens
  • Primary infection of the eyelids by bacteria
  • Infestation of the lashes by tiny mites or head lice
Blepharitis Symptoms

  • Itchy eyelids
  • Mild tearing of the eyes
  • Feelings of dryness in the eye
  • Burning, sandy and gritty sensation in the eye
  • Feeling of something hard in the eye
  • Eyelid crusting
  • Irritation in the eye
  • Dismofort while wearing contact lenses
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Red eye lid margins
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Increased shedding of skin cells near your eyelids
  • Skin flaking around the eyes
  • Eyelashes glued together when you wake in the morning
  • crusted eyelashes upon awakening
  • Abnormal growth of eyelashes and loss of eyelashes
  • Bubbly or frothy tears
  • Mild ulceration of the lid margins
  • Eyelashes and eyebrows dandruff

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