Lipoma is a medical term used to define a growth of fat cells in a thin, fibrous capsule typically found just below the skin.

Quick Facts

  • A lipoma is a knot of fatty tissue that is usually found just below the skin (subcutaneous)
  • Can occur anywhere on your body
  • Commonly found on trunk, shoulders, neck and armpits
  • Can also be formed in muscles and internal organs
  • Forms a rubbery protuberance that feels transportable
  • Occurs in one in every 1,000 people
  • Any age group can be affected and in some cases it is present by birth
  •  Lipomas are benign in nature
  • Multiple lipomas can be present in one person
  • Lipomas are the most common noncancerous soft tissue growth
Lipoma Causes

  • The exact causes of a lipoma are unknown
  • Physical trauma
  • Blow to a certain part of the body where it appears
  • Genetic conditions
  • Gardner Syndrome
  • Hereditary multiple lipomatosis
  • Madelung’s disease
  • Increased alcohol consumption
  • Minor injury
Lipoma Symptoms

  • Growth of fat cells in a thin, fibrous capsule below the skin
  • Rubbery moveable growths
  • Painless nodules
  • Commonly occur in the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, arms and thighs
  • Soft and doughy to the touch
  • Generally small
Van Cook
8/5/2017 07:09:47 pm

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When a baby begins teething, the tiny teeth that break through the gums are pearly white. However, with time, as a person grows up, teeth begin to lose their white color because of various factors. Fortunately, you don't have to live with yellowing teeth all your life.

4/18/2024 12:25:47 pm

Hello, I am from Afghanistan, what can you do for me to send Mopical Lipoma to Kabul, please give me the cost.


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