Polycystic kidney disease is a medical term used to explain a kidney disorder which is usually passed down through families in which many cysts form in the kidneys and further get enlarged.

Quick Facts

  • It is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys
  • Cause kidney enlargement
  • Disturbs the normal functionality of kidneys
  • Leads to kidney failure in extreme cases
  • Can also cause cysts in the liver and problems in other organs, such as blood vessels in the brain and heart
  • There are two types of Polycystic Kidney Disease
    1. Autosomal dominant PKD - A most common inherited form.
    2. Autosomal recessive PKD - A rare inherited form.
  • Treatment usually include Blood pressure medicines, Diuretics and Low-salt diet
Polycystic Kidney Disease Causes

  • Passed down through families (Inherited)
  • Parents carrying genes
  • Aortic aneurysms
  • Brain aneurysms
  • Cysts in the liver, pancreas, and testes
  • Diverticula of the colon
Polycystic Kidney Disease Symptoms

  • Urinary tract infections-specifically, in the kidney cysts
  • Hematuria-blood in the urine
  • Liver and pancreatic cysts
  • Abnormal heart valves
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney stones
  • Aneurysms-bulges in the walls of blood vessels-in the brain
  • Diverticulosis-small pouches bulge outward through the colon
  • Anemia
  • Bleeding or rupture of cysts
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • End-stage kidney disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Infection of liver cysts
  • Kidney stones
  • Mild to severe liver failure
  • Repeated urinary tract infections

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